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Vital Health Checks - Flu Vaccination Booking

Vital Health Checks > Vital Health Checks – Flu Vaccination Booking
Vital Health Checks > Vital Health Checks – Flu Vaccination Booking

    Select venue for vaccination:

    1. Do you have a servere allergy to eggs?

    2. Are you suffering an acute illness with fever (>38.5°C) at present?

    3. Have you ever had a reaction to the influenza vaccine in the past?
    E.g. Allergy, anaphylaxis, rash, hives

    4. Have you ever felt faint or fainted after an injection or giving blood?

    5. Do you have a history of Guillain-Barré syndrome. (Nervous Disorder)

    Do you give consent to receive the influenza vaccine?
    I understand by giving consent to receiving the influenza vaccine I agree to stay within the immediate vicinity of the health professional for 15 minutes after my vaccination.

    It is recommended by the Chief Health Officer that there should be at least 14 days between any vaccinations. It is also recommended that a flu vaccination is not taken in between the two shot COVID-19 vaccination

    You must answer 'No' to the following two questions to be eligible for a flu vaccination.